Cotton (Viscose Cotton)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Viscose Cotton

Kod : FH 19

                                                  Kod : FH 20
                                           Sold but still available

                                                 Kod : FH 21
                                            Sold (Out of Stock)

                                                 Kod : FH 22
                                          Sold but still available

                                                Kod : FH 23

                                                Kod : FH 24
                                          Sold (Out of Stock)

                                                Kod : FH 25
                                           Sold (Out of Stock)

Penerangan : Viscose Cotton mempunyai fabrik yang lebih lembut dan sejuk apabila dipakai berbanding cotton biasa. 

Kain Jenis Cotton (Viscose Cotton)
Viscose Cotton : 4 meter
Harga : Rm 75